Friday, May 15, 2009

Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wondered how far you walked in a day at Disneyland? Last time we went, I wore a pedometer around for one of the days that we were there. By the end of the day, we had walked 9.8 miles. Quite a bit more than I was expecting. It definitely made me wish that I had remembered to bring it to Disneyworld because it is so much bigger and we did so much more walking. Random post, I know, but I found my pedometer today and thought I would share my trivial information and let my fellow disney fans know that not only are you in for a pretty great day when you go to are also getting some good exercise.

We've been encouraged to start walking in preparation for our youth conference trek this summer. I'm thinking maybe I should spend a few days at Disneyland to prepare.

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