Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our National Television Debut

Yesterday was my national television debut. We went to the Ellen show last Thursday and it aired yesterday. They only showed a few close up shots of the audience...one of which included the four of us. We were all surprised. There are a couple hundred people in the audience and we were in the back...so we didn't know how well you would be able to see us. But they got a good close up shot that was on for a few seconds. We think it is because Aaron was looking so enthusiastic. I realized, there is a good reason that I'm not on TV...I make weird faces. Here is a picture of the clip on my tv. It's not great...but you can definitely tell it is us.


Julia Davis said...

AWESOME! Can I steal this pic for my blog? I just might have to! I just love it!!

Um... did you see the earth day give aways? What???

Ashley said...

So fun. I have the show on my tiVo. I'll look for you when I watch it.

Katie Irion said...

Lookin' good! I am so jealous that you practically live in California and I continue to live in a frozen wasteland. Did you get anything? Remember how I got to see Oprah and it was all about autism? Yeah, a downer and no dancing. Plus, now I'm convinced vaccinations cause autism and Ricky has to remind me that I'm crazy every couple of months.

emilyhutchison said...

After spending a couple hours with Ellen you guys are gay right?