Thursday, April 24, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I think I've been tagged a few times before...and I'm sorry that I have neglected to respond. Recently I was tagged by Julia, and decided it was about time I respond. I've seen a few different versions of this game...but the one from Julia is to write 10 random facts, habits, likes, dislikes, etc. about yourself that you don't think a lot of people know. So here it goes:

1. I love to sing in my car! I bet 90% of the time that I'm driving alone in my car, I'm singing. Since I have started commuting from Lehi...I've been doing a lot more singing and I get tired of my CD's a bit faster. I have also noticed that not everyone sings in their car. I used to think that it was perfectly normal and that everyone did it...but lately I have noticed that most people just sit there quietly staring ahead while they drive to work. I tried doing that one day when I was driving behind someone I work with and I thought they could see me in the rearview mirror...but it was really hard and I was happy to go back to singing on my drive home.

2. I'm a little bit OCD about how my desk/office is organized at work. I can't stand clutter and piles all over the place. I have lots of binders, stacking trays, hanging files, wall files, filing cabinets, and shelves that I have spent hours and hours organizing. Although it has taken me some time, I love that I can almost always find whatever I need when I need it.

3. I don't really like eating hamburgers. This makes visiting fast food joints interesting at times, and I'm not really sure why I don't like them. I just don't think they usually taste very good. The only expection to this rule is In-N-Out. For some reason I think their hamburgers are really good. I'm not sure if it is the toasted bun, special sauce or what...

4. I love Disneyland! This may not be news to anyone reading this...but I thought I would throw it in there. Last year we went to Disneyland 5 times and we love using our annual passes! Luckily, Aaron has accepted my love of Disneyland and we have become quite the experts. He has thought about hiring out his services as a fast pass collector. I even subscribe to weekly updates from , my favorite Disneyland website. Thank you to Julia for moving down there so that we could come and visit often and enjoy Disneyland.

5. I studied Arabic in college. At one time I could read and write some Arabic. Now my skills are pretty limited, because unfortunately I have forgotten most of what I learned. But I do like to impress my students every now and then by writing some words in Arabic on the board.

6. I've had two cool experiences with animals and captured both on film. I got to ride a camel while I was in Egypt in front of the pyramids. And I got to hold a chimpanzee at a sketchy zoo in Egypt. It was so cool! I have both the pics hanging in my office and they are the ones that I get the most comments and questions on.

7. I don't sleep well when it is completely silent. This used to drive my sister crazy...and still does sometimes when we end up sleeping in the same room. But I sleep so much better if I can have some type of fan on. It's not really the blowing air I care about...just the noise it makes. So, I did some research and found out that I'm not the only one! They actually make machines called "white noise" machines for people to use when they are sleeping or at work. I got one for Christmas and I love it! I use it every night and I even take it on trips. It is pretty great.

8. I love going out to eat, especially to places that you can't find in Utah Valley. Whenever we go on vacation a big part of the fun for me is going out to eat at my out-of-state favorites. These include Ruby's on Newport Pier for breakfast, Mama D's for pasta, Lazy Dog for grilled cheese, Claim Jumper for lots of desserts, Original Pancake house, San Francisco for Clam Chowder and Ghiradelli sundaes. Yum...this is making me hungry.

9. I don't really like calling people on the phone. If I would have had a cell phone in high school, I think I would have been huge into texting because it would allow me to avoid making phone calls. For some reason I grew up with this fear and dislike for making phone calls...especially to people that aren't close friends and family. Fortunately, through some jobs that involved making a lot of phone calls to strangers and work associates, I think I'm doing much better with this fear. But it still comes back at times...mostly when we have to find subs for our primary class and I end up calling strangers (our ward is really big with lots of people I've never met) and asking them to do me favors.

10. I love Easter candy! I don't buy a lot of candy, maybe because we have an endless supply of it at work and so I can get my sugar fix there. But when it is Easter season I just can't resist. There are some kinds of candy that can only be bought at this time of year...and they are some of the best. My favorites include Peeps, Cadbury Eggs, Hershey's Marshmallow eggs, and those Starburst Jelly Beans. I still remember the Easter season I spent in the dorms with dining plus. I bought a marshmallow egg everyday until Easter...and then my roommate, Maile, and I bought out the rest of the inventory at the after Easter sale so that we could continue to enjoy the goodness for weeks to come.

So, whoever feels the need or desire, please consider yourself tagged. It is sort of fun to try to think of random facts about yourself and I've had fun reading everyone elses. Have a great day!


Heather H said...

I am the exact same way about calling people, its good to know that I am not the only one. And after our one day trip to Disney, I am hooked! Yay for learning more about you!

Heather Haslam (from the ward)

Ashley said...

I could write a lot of the same things about myself. #1, #2, #3, #4, #7, #8, and #9!! CRAZY!

Laura said...

That was fun, thanks for sharing Rachel. You forgot to mention Cadbury Mini Eggs on the list, or maybe they were included with all Cadbury Eggs at Easter time, they are my favorite, and I recall sharing a bag or two with you back in the day.

Heidi Robinson said...

Hey Rachie,
Where did you get your white noise machine? Eli can't sleep without noise, so we borrowed my sis-in-law's machine. I got used to it too, and now were addicted. Eventually we will have to return it though. I tried to find the brand, but it has gone out of buisness. What brand is yours?

Julia Davis said...

Haha, tags are always great for comments, eh? I love you post- very true and very funny. I was just telling steve how I hate calling people too!! And oh... the cadbury's!! I am sad I am missing out on such a fun weekend with you guys! Have a blast!

Maile said...

Hooray for Marshmellow Eggs! I still buy out the inventory after Easter--partly because I love them and partly for the memories!

JT, Carly, Boston, Jocelyn and Snuggles said...

Hey Rach--
I was on someones blog and said,"Hey that's Rachel". How is everything going? It's been a long time since I have seen anyone from High School. I hope all is going well.


Cordell and McCall said...

that was so fun to read! It's McCall! Just feeling sentimental! I just went to ths reunion and missed you guys! I would love to catch up!